On Friday (24th February 2017) delegates representing each of the councils in Northern Ireland, participated in a NILGA event focused on council finance and investment at the Tullyglass Hotel, Ballymena.
Supported by Barclays Bank, the event entitled “Investing in your Community, Local Council Finance and Investment” provided a morning of delivery, debate and innovative discussion designed to develop local council investment opportunities and partnerships.
L-R (front) - Ken Bishop NILGA Head of Investment, Alderman Freda Donnelly Co-Chair NILGA Economic Development & Investment WG, Anne Donaghy Chair SOLACE, Shane Campbell CEO ICBAN, L-R (back) Cllr Dermot Nicholl NILGA Executive Member, Derek McCallan CEO NILGA, Bill McKinney Director McKinney Group, Cllr Audrey Wales MBE Mayor Mid & East Antrim Borough Council, Sean Hanson CEO Local Partnerships, Andy Mudd Head of APSE Solutions and Joanna McArdle, Director Barclays Bank.