Municipal Waste Management Statistics
Commenting after the publication of the annual Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs’ Northern Ireland local authority collected municipal waste management statistics, NILGA Head of Policy & Governance Karen Smyth said:
“These latest statistics reflect the challenges council waste management teams have faced during the pandemic but also the great work being done by local government to step up to these challenges. Given we have all been spending more times in our homes over the past year, it’s no surprise that councils have collected around 3.2% more waste than on the previous year. Despite this rise, it’s positive to see that the amount of waste being sent for recycling has largely remained the same, dipping slightly by 1%.
“It’s also very welcome to see the landfill rate for waste continue to drop to its lowest ever level of 22.8%, a near 50% drop over the past 15 years. This is a strong achievement on the part of local councils in Northern Ireland and proves that, when given the powers and resources, councils can make it happen.
“While there is more to do concerning waste and recycling, especially as we move out of the pandemic, councils are playing an important role in tackling the climate crisis on a local level in communities across Northern Ireland.”
2020/21 Northern Ireland local authority collected municipal waste management annual statistics report has been published today by the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs. It is available at