The purpose of the network is to provide regional direction on elected member learning and development needs and developing a local government culture of continuous learning and development.
Councillor Frances Burton, Chair
Councillor Eamon McNeill, Vice Chair
Network Members - Cllr Billy Webb (A&N), Cllr Gillian Greer (AND), Cllr Brian Pope (ABC), Cllr Claire Canavan (BCC), Ald Sharon McKillop (CC&G), Cllr John Boyle (DC&S), Cllr Paul Stevenson (F&O), Ald Michael Henderson (LCCC), Cllr Billy Ashe (MEA), Cllr Niamh Dorris (MU) and Cllr Terry Andrews (NMD)
Officers - Fiona Douglas (NLGA), Lisa Rogan (ABC), Samantha Rea (AND), Sarah Fenton (A&N), Julie McCormick (BCC), Sharon Maxwell (DC&S), Nuala Quinn (F&O), Niall Conway (LCCC), Eileen Forde (MU), Sarah Taggart (NMD)
The Network collaborates to ensure a regionally co-ordinated Programme of inexpensive, professional, vital member learning and development initiatives informed by members themselves is delivered. In this regard, the Network evidences best practice and local need, to ensure that learning and development opportunities are not duplicative and add value. It is also the Network’s role to lead and support the progress of the Charter Standard with an ambition of achievement and retention of Charter and Charter Plus for all 11 Councils. The Network represents elected members learning and development needs to the wider local government sector.
The Network seeks to develop and promote a member and officer culture around learning and development vision and ethos and capacity building elsewhere identifying best practice approaches in member development and capacity building at regional level: ensuring co-produced programmes tailored to the elected member role are delivered.
Collaborate and co-ordinate regional input into the design, implementation and delivery of NILGA/LGTG Regional Programme for Elected Member Development. Ensuring that a regionally co-ordinated Programme of inexpensive, professional, vital member learning and development initiatives have been created by members themselves based on best practice, local need.
Lead and support Elected Members and Councils in their pursuit and retention of Charter and Charter Plus accreditation.
Collective Analysis of member development and capacity building elsewhere identifying best practice approaches in member development, ensuring co-produced programmes tailored to the councillor role are delivered.
Develop and promote member and officer culture around a learning and development vision and ethos.
Represent elected members learning and development needs to the Local Government Training Group ensuring elected member development is prioritised and fully resourced by the sector.
Wider Areas of Work
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